Monday, October 29, 2012


I'm sure becoming a new mom has always been a challenge: adjusting to a new schedule, feeding times, changing diapers, the correct way a baby should sleep. . .  But today there are many concerns lurking out there that could literally scare you right out of motherhood:
-pesticides and other chemicals sprayed on your food
-BPA in plastic bottles among other numerous things
-lead, pthlates as well as other chemicals found in toys
-off gassing of toxic fumes from furniture, mattresses, etc. in your indoor air, not to mention outdoor pollution
-toxins in your personal care products and cleaning products 
-aborted fetal DNA found in many vaccines society pushes
-the once FDA approved children's medicines that have been recalled
-rise of childhood diseases
-GMOs-Genetically Modified Organisms

I could go on, but just typing this list makes me shudder at all the hazards my family faces.  Many of these subjects are of debate, some many people work to avoid in their daily lives, and still others are unheard of or given no thought by many people.  October is Non-GMO month so I have chosen today to write about the first irreversible technology in human history: Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs).

What are GMOs?
First a little background-GMO's are organisms that are created when genes from one species are taken and forced into the DNA of another species.  This merging of DNA from different species (also called genetic engineering or GE, creates a plant, animal, bacteria, or viral gene that does not occur in nature or by traditional crossbreeding.  Almost all commercial GMOs are bred to withstand direct application of poison and/or produce their own poison.  In other words 1.  herbicide tolerant plants are those that live while weeds die when sprayed and 2. pesticide producing plants produce their own insecticide that opens up a bug's stomach when the plant is bitten and the bug dies.  GMOs can also be referred to as GM (genetically modified) or GE (genetically engineered) seed/food.

Why GMOs?
Genetically engineered food was to be the best technology to feed the world-it was to maximize yields, improve crop health, enhance nutrition and food quality, increase food safety, and reduce waste.  An increase in US exports  and food supply domination were foreseeable.  Farmers were attracted because GMO seeds were going to make it easier to kill weeds and increase their profit.

The Facts/We Want the Truth
Is feeding the world really the agenda?  Are people starving around the world because of not enough food production or because of lack of access, lack of money, or the lack of our society to share with one another?  Do the biotech companies simply want to control our food supply and make a buck. . . er, lots of bucks?  It seems greed and power are steering our fateful forks for none of the GMOs currently on the market offer increased yields, better nutrition, or improved lives for farmers.  Here are some examples:
    Exports and Food Yields
 1.The US has lost 99% of corn exports to Europe.  (Source)  Soy exports declined 70% in quantity and 44% in value since 1998.  (Source)  The International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science, and Technology (AASTD) reported that GM crop yields were non consistent and in some cases, they declined.  Sustainable non-GMO agricultural methods  in developing countries, on the other hand,  have conclusively yielded increases of 79% or higher.   The AASTD "determined that the current GMOs have nothing to offer the goals of reducing hunger and poverty, improving nutrition, health, and rural livelihoods and facilitating social and environmental sustainability.  (Source) 
      Crop Health and Waste Reduction
 2. There is a reduction in the use of herbicides on GM crops for the first few years.  But herbicides kill the beneficial microorganisms in the soils.  After a short amount of years, weeds become resistant (called "superweeds") and farmers must use more herbicides/pesticides.  In the US there are 325 million more pounds of pesticides applied to GM crops than their non-GMO counterparts.  There are currently 10,000 acres of cotton in Georgia now resistant to all herbicides.  There are now wanting to use 2,4-D-a component of Agent Orange.  (Genetic Roulette: the Gamble of Our Lives)   According to USDA data by the Center for Food Safety, farmers applied 4.9 million pounds of glyphosate (an active ingredient in Roundup) to soybeans in 1994.  This was the year before Roundup Ready seeds were planted in fields.  Gylphosate use by 2006, increased almost 20 fold, to 96.7 million pounds.  (Source)  (Source)
  Crop Health, Nutrition, and Food Quality/Safety
3.  Remember the loss of beneficial soil microorganisms?  Since the introduction of GM seeds there has been a dramatic increase in crop diseases. Sprayed plants are less healthy because of lack of nutrients in the soil, therefore the animals that eat them are nutrient deficient, weak, and sick.  We eat the plants and animals robbing ourselves of nutrients as well.  These residues end up in our bodies, "hugging" the nutrients and making them less available to us. (Genetic Roulette: the Gamble of Our Lives)   Roundup, for example, is  dangerous to our environment: plants, animals, water, and our soil.  It is linked to sterility, hormone disruption, birth defects, and cancer.  (Source)  (Source) (Source) (Source) 
   Food Nutrition and Safety 
4. "There are no human clinical trials and no agency that even attempts to monitor GMO-related health problems among the population," according to Jeffrey Smith in The Big GMO Cover-Up.   "Outside the carefully controlled laboratory setting, it is more difficult to confidently assign GMOs as the cause for a particular set of diseases. (Source)  The  Monsanto website, when answering questions about food safety, says there is no evidence to link the unsafe issues with GM food.  But the only people who have "proven" that GE foods are safe are the chemical companies that produce them.  The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) publicly condemned GMOs in our food supply calling them a "serious health risk".  It states that several animals studies reveal a long list of disorders including reproductive problems, immune system problems-including asthma, allergies, and inflammation, accelerated aging, organ damage, problems with the gastrointestinal systems, and dysfunction with regulation of cholesterol and insulin.  The AAEM wants the government to implement an immediate moratorium on all GM foods and has urged physicians to prescribe non-GMO diets for all patients.  (Source)  Some doctors say that GE foods may be the reason for the increase in gastrointestinal problems.  Leaky guts in kids is also on the rise as well as allergic reactions and intolerance to foods.  (Genetic Roulette: the Gamble of Our Lives) 
 * GMO corn has been linked to significantly higher rates of tumors, organ damage and premature deaths in rats according to a November 2012 report published in Food and Chemical Toxicology.  

Even though there's no direct link because of the sly manipulation of the biotech industry, the increase in crop, animal, and human diseases in correlation with the introduction of GMOs speaks for itself.  I can honestly say that it's common knowledge that America is much sicker than it was 20 years ago and diseases, especially among the young, have increased.  According to the Centers for Disease Control, from 1994 to 2001, overall food related illnesses doubled. (Source)  I don't think it's ironic that the same health problems found in lab animals and livestock that have been fed GM foods are now on the rise in the US population.  Nor is it coincidence that when animals and humans stop eating GMOs, their health improves. (Genetic Roulette: The Gamble of Our Lives) 

Why didn't we all know about GMOs?  It seems as if the biotech companies didn't want us to.  It was done without our knowledge or consent.  You see, FDA scientists warned that GE food was harmful, but the FDA boss was a former Monsanto attorney and later their vice president (and currently a top FDA czar.) (Source)   (Source)  The FDA doesn't require any studies and doesn't monitor any health issues linked to GMOs.  Our food supply has been given over to a private multinational corporation-the same corporation that gave us DDT and Agent Orange.  They own a good portion of our commercial seed.  Source

If GM food really was all the biotech companies claim, they wouldn't be patenting seeds, suing farmers, "hushing" those who speak against GMOs in such ruthless ways, or putting seed cleaners out of business. Farmers can no longer save their seeds for replanting, but have to buy new seed each year. (Source)  Even some farmers who don't plant GMO seed have been sued after their fields were contaminated by pollen or seed from someone else's GE crop that sprouted or volunteered.  Monsanto's website reads: "producing more, conserving more, improving lives.  That's sustainable agriculture and that's what Monsanto is all about."  It also states "the Challenge: Meeting the needs of today while preserving the planet for tomorrow " Monsanto's history, however, has angered environmentalists, health advocates, and small farmers.  Its records does not support their claim. (Source) 
Read Vanity Fair's article to learn more about the "grip" Monsanto has on America's food chain and it's "ruthless legal battles on American small farmers".   
5. And whose profits have increased?? In 1974, Roundup was patented by Monsanto.  Today, Monsanto sells Roundup and most GM seeds.  GMO seeds are nearly twice as much as conventional seeds.  (Source)  In India, Monsanto controls the cottonseed industry.  Millions of farmers were forced to plant Bt cotton.  Not only do workers now suffer from itching and rashes in Bt fields versus the non GM fields, but the animals that graze on the fields get sick and die.  Farmers invested and borrowed money  in the more expensive Bt seeds and the chemicals needed to go along with the seed.  Since Bt cotton is so unreliable, it has caused a high suicide rate. An Indian farmer commits suicide every 30 minutes and 85% have been linked to the high import costs of the purchase of seeds.  (Genetic Roulette: The Gamble of Our Lives) (Source)
  Food Safety
6. GE seeds are laboratory-made and once released they cannot be recalled from the environment. (Source) The potential impact  of GMO contamination is huge.  GMOs cross pollinate and their seeds travel.  They are a threat to the health of future generations.  (Source) 
                                                       photo credit:
What's Modified?
1. soy
2. corn (not popcorn) but I will add that convenience  popcorn is "bathed" in GMOs
3. cottonseed (for oil)
4. Canola (for oil)
5. sugar beets (for sugar)
6. papaya (hawaiian and chinese)
7. zucchini
8. yellow crookneck squash
9. alfalfa (for hay)

There are only 9 genetically modified organisms, but over 70% of foods in the supermarket (mainly in processed foods) contain one or more GE ingredient. (Source) The list of GM ingredients is overwhelming and many can be tricky to find.  (Some examples include corn derivatives such as maltodextrin or hidden names of MSG such as hydrolyzed soy or vegetable protein, yeast extract or natural flavoring-and all its variations.)  Grab something out of your pantry or fridge.  Look over the ingredient list-I dare ya!  The challenge goes beyond packaged  food with a list of ingredients, however.  Think about the meat, eggs, and dairy products you consume. What did the animals supplying this food eat?

*Monsanto is getting approval for GM sweet corn.  I've also heard talk about genetically modifying apples so they don't turn brown, chocolate, bananas, I'm sure there's more.  

                                                         An anti-Monsanto crop circle in the Phillipines. 
                 An anti-Monsanto crop circle in the Philippines

Children and GMOs
Children are at the greatest risk.  They are more sensitive to GMOs because of their smaller body mass, higher metabolic rates and growing rates-therefore needing more food/nutrition, and they are more sensitive to toxins since they are not completely developed in certain areas and their immune system is not prepared for it. Children are likely to be exposed through many of their favorite foods: conventional cereals, snack bars, cookies, candy, sweet drinks, cold cuts, (processed) fruit snacks, crackers contain large amounts of these high risk ingredients.

Avoiding GMOs
1. buy/grow/raise organic foods/animals
2.Avoid the at risk ingredients all together
3.Read labels. Buy non GMO products.  (Currently the FDA does not require labeling of any GM ingredients.  However, The Institute for Responsible Technology has partnered with the Non-GMO Project  in labeling products that are GMO free.  Look for the Non-GMO Project Verified seal which certifies ingredients in a product have been tested.  They are a non profit, 3rd party verifier that backs up the claims the companies make about their products.  Check out their:
- free i-phone app: Shop No-GMO,
- booklet (available at their website and other locations)

Don't Give Up
There's still a chance for us to say goodbye to GMOs.  If more people are informed and reject GE foods, the U.S. can be like the more than 50 countries that allow labeling of GE foods.  In the European Union where labeling is required, there is almost no GM food in the stores, restaurants or in their fields. (Genetic Roulette: The Gamble of Our Lives)   (note above how the US has lost a significant amount of exports to the EU).  There is a California (Nov) 2012 ballot to label GM food and there have been bills introduced in 19 states to label.  Watch this short video about proposition 37-the video Monsanto doesn't want you to see.   According to Urban Garden, most consumers say they would avoid GMO brands if given a choice once they realize the dangers of GM foods. (source)  There is hope.  If food companies see that GM ingredients are a sales liability they will be removed.  It is said that even if a small percentage of US consumers started avoiding GM brands, the millions of lost sales can force brands to remove GM ingredients.

Join the over 1.2 million people and sign this petition to the FDA, telling them we have a right to know what is being put into our food!

Coming Soon  
My GMO Story and Tips for Going GMO Free.  Stay posted!
I'd be happy to (try to) answer any questions you may have and would like requests for additional discussions on this topic!

Genetic Roulette: The Gamble of Our Lives. Prod. Jeffrey M. Smith. 2012 Online video.  Assessed on 15 Oct. 2012.
Wallace, Rich.  "GMO Update: Consumer Consciousness of the Rise." Taste for Life Oct. 2012: 22.  

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